1-3 June 2024 - Petrels and Storm-petrels display!

Perfect wind and sea conditions on this Zino's Petrel pelagic Expedition allowed us to have very good views of the petrels breeding in Madeira and a good list of storm-petrels! As normal, Cory's shearwater Calonectris borealis and Bulwer's Petrel Bulweria bulwerii were a constant, everyday.

3rd June 2024 - 8 knots of Northwest wind with 1 meter waves from North
6 Pterodroma sp. - 5 on the way up, too far and fast for a positive ID
3 Desertas/Fea's Petrel Pterodroma feae/deserta - 1 on the way up
9 Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis
at least 10 European Storm petrel Hydrobates pelagicus - at one stage they were 10 at the same time on the chum slick

Atlantic Spotted dolphins Stenella frontalis

2nd June 2024 - 10 knots of North wind which dropped to 3 knots around 6:00pm. 1.2 meter waves from NE
3 Pterodroma sp. - on the way up
5 Desertas/Fea's Petrel Pterodroma feae/deserta - 1 on the way up
4 Madeiran Storm Petrel Oceanodroma castro
Leach's Storm-petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa - at the same time as 1 Madeiran Storm petrel
3 European Storm petrel Hydrobates pelagicus
Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis
Lesser Black-backed gull Larus fuscus
2 Manx shearwater Puffinus puffinus puffinus
Barolo’s shearwater Puffinus baroli - on the way back, only seen by some people onboard

Atlantic Spotted dolphins Stenella frontalis

1st June 2024 - 8 to 10 knots of NNW wind and NE waves up to 1.7 meters
2 Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis
2 Common tern Sterna hirundo
Leach's Storm-petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa
3 European Storm petrel Hydrobates pelagicus - 2 at the same time
Wilson's Storm-petrel Oceanites oceanicus
4 Zino's Petrel Pterodroma madeira
1 possible Zino's Petrel Pterodroma madeira - came together with the 2nd Zino’s but quickly flew away from the chum slick

Portuguese Man o' war Physalia physalis

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